Sunday, November 18, 2007

My necklace

Here is the necklace I made from the beads sent by Connie, I used some of my own and part of those she sent to me as a separate gift with those I picked up from the Treasure Box (the turquoise ones are not in this necklace)
I will wear it for a while but I am not quite happy with the distribution, I know it will change.


Connie said...

Looking good!! THanks so much for showing it. Love that your camera is feeling effects of whatever magic is afoot! Blessed be!

I wore the necklace you made for me on Thurs. and it just felt soooo good!


Griselda said...

Hey Connie, you are quite right, magic or miracle, I accept it with gratitude in my heart. This one might not be the best camera in the family but it is mine...I don't like to borrow things.

I am glad you like the feeling in your necklace, I have noticed some of mine are not as "wearable" as others, I might just redo them soon. I am still learning this craft as you can see.
Namaste to you, I hope your week is glorious. Gris

Connie said...

My experience with beads is that they teach me how they want to be! Keep up the good work and if it doesn't "Feel Right" it probably isn't!

girlgonethreadwild said...

Girls, I just had to pop in to see the whereabouts of the golden box... Paige if you could please also email me when it ships this way, I can keep one eye on its arrival. I need to note here that I will be on vaca Dec. 9-16th so if there is any chance of mailing it to me waaaay before then to give me at least 3-4-5 days with the box that would be GRAND. Too much to ask? Im hoping not. Love & splender, Monica

Paige said...

Wow, this necklace looks mahvelous, but I know looks aren't everything...even if Billy Crystal did say it's not how you feel, it's how you look. ;-)

Paige said...

No sign of the box yet...I'm hoping today! Please, please, please, please be today!!!! I will turn it around as quickly as possible, dear Monica, as well as give you advance notice of it's traveling.

Peace & blessings,
Princess P

Griselda said...

I just checked and the treasure box is very close to Paige, in the same State even!

Connie said...

Hi Gris,

Pam Goode asked me last week what had been the most surprising thing about making jewelry all these years. Ya know what my answer was?

The biggest surprise was learning that the beads tell me what they want to be.

Epiphanies all around!
