Wednesday, December 5, 2007


All ya'll are cracking me up with all this talk about rules! Rules are for the Earthbound! They wouldn't know how to behave if someone didn't lay out some guidelines, ya know? But we travelers in the spirit world, with a totem like CROW, know that part of Crow medicine is the knowledge of living by universal law, not man-made law. (Of course if men had left law-making up to women,...fill in the blank) Crow has the ability to BEND the laws of the universe to shape her distinct need to serve, especially when that NEED is informed by Divine Purpose.

There are no rules to the treasure box. When I set this bird free, I recall mentioning take five and give six. That was not a literal statement but more a guideline which NONE OF US needs to follow because as angels in a Divine Universe, we will ALWAYS give and give and give more than we could ever receive.

Ladies, we are blessed and gifted individuals with no end of spiritual power. We are all part of a generosity that is winding it's away around the country. I hope that this winds it's way around the world, so I invite you to think beyond our land of the free and home of the brave and seek artists from other countries.

In the meantime, I'm just gonna die if I don't see the box again after Joanne has added to it. So yes, Joanne, your book will be inscribed to Susan but the box will come back to me first.

Blessed be, thanks be to God, may the universe shower you with blessings,
I remain your humble servant of Divine Purpose,


Griselda said...

Connie wrote:
"Ladies, we are blessed and gifted individuals with no end of spiritual power. We are all part of a generosity that is winding it's away around the country..."

I love this Connie, it is very true for me, that given the opportunity to give from a place of abundance I felt rich and very free to take. I have felt impulses to send more to the person in turn or to the ones that came before me, because the Sacredness of the Crow has abundant magic...the more we put in, the more it comes back to me, I thought for a bit that my role in this round was done...who am I has opened me to be more open and giving with people around me and at work I have witnessed miracles...(I cannot say much in this because it is private, but yesterday and today I was moved to tears watching what some people are willing to do for another) busy as we are...there is no need to go shopping for presents...we are the the present moment.
Please dear sisters, remember those who are alone or have lost a love one, relative, kids...if they are in your groups or creative people...reach out to them...make their day magical...this box can have many ramifications. Remember the RAOK and go for true Spirit of Yule/Christmas

It has started...the ripples are reaching further than our imagination is willing to go...Inspiration...spirited...let your roots go deep, let your branches rich high...lets continue to fly.

Namaste everyone.

girlgonethreadwild said...

Rules, what are those?